søndag 5. oktober 2014

Recovering the lost intention and goal of humanity

Recovering the lost intention and goal of humanity

Survival of the “fittest” can maintain survival in mediocrity but it can never achieve long-term vitality

By the executor with power of attorney for the living man, known as Mike, aka Alex Michael Cechanowicz

The idea that humanity as a whole, or in part can enjoy extraordinary long-term vitality has been with me all of my life. The vision has led me to an in-depth, systemic study of the present social architectures and human psychology to understand why and how this has become understood as a utopia.

Systemic thinking processes always involve looking at the chains of cause and effect realizing that every cause is the effect of something else. We can move forward or backward on these chains when they are mapped. When correctly completed, “everything falls into place” and radical solutions can be discovered. These chains of cause and effect can be followed to their root causes. When they form positive or negative feedback loops, we can identify the weakest link in the chain and intervene there. We seek to replace any root cause with a solution that will create a release from the majority of symptoms these causes create.

This approach does demand a comprehensive knowledge of many different social structures and human psychic norms and potentials. Maybe that is why the issues are rarely talked about, much less approached with any hope of success. It is a daunting task.

My first approach to the problem was a systemic approach to the question, “Does society support the ability of humanity to thrive”. I asked this question because I realize it is a basic assumption many take with them in their lives – that the purpose of all things is to help, make life better, easier, solve problems etc. Social infrastructures include economic, governmental, legal, educational, medical, religious, military, commercial and personal social structures. I was looking for patterns and included those prerequisites for personal or social thriving and challenged their existence.

The result of this study was the PDF-Book “Hidden Agenda” and my conclusions were basically that every necessary prerequisite for human thriving is missing from the current social architecture – globally. The pattern was obviously such that very few human individuals would ever reach the stage in their development known as Self-actualization. I refer to A. Maslow’s model of human developmental potential.

This led me to considering the prerequisites for true Self-actualization with much more attention. Human Self Actualization is an expression of Vitality close to or at any present potential. This is always expanding because we are always moving in new directions to discover new boundaries as old ones are transcended.

Many thousands of client experiences in psychotherapy, coaching and consulting have led me to see patterns of human behavior that create or hinder progress to those higher potentials of human expression. My study of these prerequisites is a natural way to become solution orientated in any change process. I have discovered that the same processes that stop us from developing as individuals - stop us from developing socially, politically, economically etc.

To my knowledge, the first scientific research applied to answer the question, “How much competition is the optimal amount for a system to perform at its best” – was from the 1970’s. Since that time, the question has been asked and answered in thousands of different ways. The answer to that question is always the same: Zero, 0, Nada, Null – No competition is desired or helpful to self-actualize any potential.

You might want to look at Gregg Braden’s book – Deep Truth to discover some of the research that has been carried out concerning competition.

You would expect that to be a political and economic bombshell – but the fact of the matter is that that knowledge is buried by the forces in our social structures that profit by proclaiming that competition is a natural, necessary, unavoidable and good way to promote progress. We are told that competition helps us do our best. The fact of the matter is that competition forces us to expend energy against the competition and sacrifice that energy we would otherwise spend on our intentions and goals.

This idea that competition is a “good” and necessary element in our lives and our social structures is a thought-virus, a paradigm that has created enormous amounts of serious personal and social problems that cannot be resolved without resolving the cause of them all and that is our relationship with the idea of competition. People associate fun, excitement, drama, rewards and status with competition. As such it is actually worshiped by many. Humanity must be brought to the realization that competition can only provide short-term pleasure and long-term pain.

The following is a “short-list” of effects from the “spirit of competition” – which I call the idea that competition is something we have no choice about in our lives, or that it is desirable.
            Resistance, friction, rules, regulations, laws, lawyers, enforcement, judges, authorities, confusion, secrecy, fragmentation, compartmentalization, fear, anxiety, dis-ease, trash, predictable break-downs, fraud, misinformation, defense systems, security systems, criminal systems, spies, violence, oppression, war, waste, pollution, self-destruction and death.

Imagine all of these social and personal ills that are vanquished in the blink of an eye simply by changing one single thing. There is more to this than one simple change. It creates a cascade of different changes that affect EVERYTHING!

It changes our focus from having a common enemy to align us, toward having a common goal. That goal can be stated as, “Long-term vitality for self, others and the environment”.

When we study nature from the single cell perspective – up to the macro-environment with a filter for vitality, even using the human body as an example, we find intelligent organization of diversity, autonomy, truthful and relevant information transference, distribution of adequate energy, respect for free will and synergetic relationships all for the purpose of attaining, maintaining, expanding or defending the ability to achieve vitality.

We discover a natural law of nature that applies equally to you and I as it does to a blossoming rose. We seek to eliminate all competition from our inner life and our outer life – in relationship with others and the environment as a whole.

Some of the arguments for competition

Arguments can be made for the fact that we observe competition in nature and it is therefore, “natural”. This is true. It is also a choice. Lets look at how competition appears in nature and what is really going on. In nature we have predatory plants and animals, insects and organisms. These natural predatory elements are taking the weak and defenseless living organisms and taking them out of circulation – actually improving their species survival chances. When nature has too little diversity, competition becomes a lot different. It can become self-destructive. We must realize that nature prefers diversity as a part of its self-sustainability. Humanity, believing in uniformity, standardization, norms, and “normal” does its best to create monocultures for itself and for nature – taking everything out of balance, increasing destructive competition.

The plant and animal kingdom also has a behavioral evolution – as do humans. This evolution is thought of as collective learning. As such there is a higher purpose to solving challenges also in this kingdom – as can be observed as any species develops the skills necessary to overcome any predatory threat – through inter and inner species cooperation.

Predatory humans are not the same as predatory animals. They do not kill simply to survive and have enough to eat. They also target those individuals in society that are socially, mentally, emotionally more advanced than the norm. They take out the best of humanity and cause a form of backward evolution.

Extended perspectives into human behavioral evolution shows that human evolution involves mastery of many different skills and attitudes over time. As such each individual has a unique progression for self along with the general population as a whole. The existence of social predators or parasites does serve its own purpose and that is the freedom of choice – albeit under fully misled information. As such humanity learns to progress through trial and error in a various states or levels of confusion – some more than others.

Human social parasites serve a collective purpose and that is for humanity as a whole to learn how to deal with the problem. There is a race of Japanese Honey Bee that has learned to protect itself and the hive from predatory wasps. When a scout wasp comes to inspect the hive, before it can return with information and start an invasion – the bees swarm the wasp and vibrate in such a way that the wasp dies of the heat exchange. In nature, this is called “swarming”. It is a local self-defense system against predators. The wasps, in order to survive, will have to find a way to harvest their own food if they do not find another source they can “feed off of”.

Competition is not a trait that has been genetically determined. It has been proven that our genetic blueprints are for structures now and in the future. They do not regulate or determine behavior. The environment is the greatest formative determinant to behavior. Biologist Bruce Lipton does an excellent job at showing how important the environment is for cells and humans and how symbiotic relationships are the rule and not the exception in nature.

What about authorities?

The source for Earthly authority is said to be given to those that represent the creator. In this case the Catholic Pope – and the Vatican have in our time had the monopoly in the West on who was appointed King, Queen and even Elections where possible. The Authorities in our western culture are all legal fictions created by man. They are inventions created out of the idea that external leadership is necessary for the good of the whole. This is enforced by the rule of force.

The same authorities have created the system of economy we have that is based on the presumption that money is always a limited resource, issued as debt, and usually with interest over time and under fiat principles that devaluate the value of money over time.

The Legal authorities on in our western civilization have spun a spell of human free-range slavery to an economic system that is created only in part for development. What it does is support the development of the elite at the expense of the whole. It creates so many problems that humanity is in “lock-down” between survival and mediocrity.

Those that have studied and/or developed their awareness to a sufficient degree that they have become “higher-self-aware” have a level of guidance and leadership that can never be replaced by any external authority. This human ability – to live from the inside out from ones inner authority is held back by the social and political “sciences” which are really no more than materialistic dogmas. And we are living through a period of their inquisition powers until this authority collapses onto itself – just like the church did during the reformation.

Humanity has a period of evolution based on emotional faith alone. There has also been a period of evolution where there is evolution based on rationality alone. Both have thrown out the baby with the bath-water. The human psyche is rational and emotional, just as the human brain is specialized between fragmentation (rational) and defragmentation (sensory/emotional) processes. These together bring the wonders of simultaneous and sequential logic in such a way as to promote the extraordinary – especially when awareness is focused over time.

Max Planch discovered the power of focus over time and the fact that human awareness can penetrate deeper into matter than even high-energy gamma rays. Its not a secret – but it is not taught either. If it was – everybody would be using their minds at a much higher level of performance than they do today. We are taught that it is our brains and our genes that make us what we are. This too is only propaganda.

Thoughts, emotions dreams and intuitions are the essence of your internal life. These are all sensory based and non-physical. You cannot nail a thought to the wall. As such they qualify for being called “spiritual” without getting mystical.

Research in the field of the Near-Death-Experience gives a well-founded epistemological reason to say that human awareness survives the death of the body. Research with hypnosis and spontaneous memories of past lives confirm and greatly expand on our knowledge of the structure of our “spiritual” life after we leave our bodies. All the evidence is there for you to examine and ask yourself the question, “Why am I living such a limited life in such a limited sense of self-awareness?”

Why this is important now?

At present, all of humanity and its infrastructures and the environment are suffering to the point of close self-extinction and environmental collapse. The single and most obvious cause for this is humanity’s collective belief in the idea that competition is unavoidable, natural, necessary and good.

Today, we have the technology to create a wonderful future on this planet, in abundance, harmony and vitality. This technology is today used for the opposite kind of purpose and that is to dominate, control, monitor and regulate every single human on the planet. The development of humanity is at the cross-roads today. It cannot be more of the same, or both; only either / or. Humanity must make that choice today or be led by the nose to self-destruction.

Where to start?

Most people will perhaps expect me to advise radical changes in society as a first priority for activation. I do not suggest such an approach. I suggest that you start by examining the degree of competition you will discover within your psyche, your inner self and between your self and your body. Deal with the internal competition before you deal with the external. Do this from the inside – out.

I suggest you also deal from the top down when it comes to discovering what is important. You will want to harmonize your self in such a way that all of your resources support your informed conscious choices. This means that you need to learn how your unconscious mind really works as your autopilot. You will discover that instead of being the “boss of the show” you will prefer to take a side seat and be the co-pilot because the unconscious mind has so much more to offer than you do. Your unconscious mind is the only one with real access to higher self so it pays to be friends with your “inner – child” as some call it. Realize that your “inner-child” can also grow up to be the higher-self. It is simply a matter of wanting it to be at an emotional level.

You will want to be aware of the structure and quality of your internal maps of reality. They are most likely not truly up to date because you did not know they existed. This means you will want to examine your reason for living, your identity, your values, your strategies, your behavior and its exchange with the environment. It sounds like a lot of work and it is – but by taking the time to up-grade your maps, get your compass right, turn on your radar and get contact with “mission-control” before take off, you will be flying much more exciting missions and doing so with much more self-confidence.

When you are harmonized within yourself, have released most of your fear, anxiety, anger and confusion, and you see the bigger picture – then you are ready to start harmonizing your external world be that your house, garden, infrastructures, family, community or nation. By this time, you will know what to do.

Why this is happening now?

You are being provided with a choice, the gist of which is to become more self-aware in service to self and humanity in vitality, or to continue to live in limited self awareness and confusion, or to live in higher self awareness serving self at the expense of others. Each of those three choices will determine your long term future as a spiritual awareness having a human experience. You see… there is a cyclical evolutionary stage that humanity is experiencing. In this case, you are exposed to a multiple cyclic evolutionary stage just like lots of different waves are joining to make a big tsunami of change in energy.

This period of time you are living in has experienced increasing levels of “polarization” – which means the good is really good and the bad is a lot worse than it was before. This makes it a lot easier for people to make up their minds as to which level of evolution they are going to go. No choice is a permanent choice in this universe. There are however choices that do have extremely long-term consequences. This is one of those times and one of those choices.

Stars, planets, humans, plants, animals, insects, reptiles and microbes evolve through time. There is a physiological evolution to better match the environment and there is an evolution of awareness – for all living beings. As such, we are exposed to two choices, to evolve through pain, or to do so the easy way, through pleasure. The universe demands development, expansion of awareness to higher levels of be-ing.

At this time, there are many different “way-showers” or “path-finders” for you to listen to, read about, look at, to follow their example, to walk the path normally seldom traveled. This path – the pleasurable path – is not as you might expect. It is the path of “Love” that is activated toward self and others in balance. It is defined by the will and the act of stretching self out to self and or others to promote long-term development. It means discovering the pleasure of boundless curiosity and “life-long” learning processes that lead to mastery of a growing number of skills and abilities. It means developing, body, emotions, mind and spirit to higher levels of performance – which is vitality at its best.

Many people have experienced that their willingness to learn new things has turned into a subject of fear because we have been taught to be ashamed of our “mistakes”. In reality, mistakes are the necessary prerequisites for you to master anything at all. As such you should always prize your mistakes as your most valuable learning experiences. With that you can dare to extend your curiosity and give legitimacy to your dreams. Its all within you. All you have to do is find it, keep it, and use it.

What will this paradigm look like on a social level?

Our systems of economy, governance, education, health, welfare, religion, science, trading and international relations, are ALL seriously infected with the spirit of competition. Their structures, fundaments and content are all created within the context of competition as a way of life. As such many of these systems are collapsing due to the effects of competition within and without.

While this may seem like the “end of the world” it is only the end of the world of competition being replaced by the spirit of vitality. Those that would oppose these energies will, in the future, not be able to maintain their lives on the planet. The magnetic polarization will only support life that is “positively polarized” – of any kind.

The planet itself is also expected to undergo a make-over. This will be survivable in cooperation with your inner self telling you where to go and what to do. Listen to your intuitions and ask them to inform you of important needs for change of anything.

This transition, being a paradigm shift, will have a phase where it goes “viral” in such a way that it becomes widely enough accepted that it is openly talked about, dealt with, explored and used. We have not yet reached that point in time. As the energy between the forces of polarization become more intense, the drama will most likely encourage more and more to seek and find the only solution to the problem. There is truly only one solution and that is to eliminate as much competition out of your life as soon as you can.

The present economic collapse enables us to look for different ways to use money as long as we might need it for motivational purposes. It may take several generations for all to learn that money is not necessary in a world seeking abundance of long-term vitality. People are motivated to make their lives and the lives of others better, when that motivation is extended to personal curiosity about something or the desire to master something – you have found yourself a “job” where you can contribute your energy to develop the capacity to enjoy and experience vitality. Enjoy your uniqueness and find a way to contribute to humanity and self without having to suck on the energy of others.

I expect a period where re-education will be very important for many people. I suggest that mass media be re-organized to enable this media used, where it is useful to reach as many as possible. Further facilities can be created to facilitate the learning process as the needed. The end result is self-led and self-directed learning.

The structure of corporations today will have to experience a serious transition with full responsibility for their products and their effects on the ability to support vitality. This is not the case today. Profit for money is legally valued more than value for humans. Corporations have limited responsibility and are treated as though they have human rights bound to them. They have the right to serve the spirit of collective vitality or disappear.

Many places of work are not contributing vitality to anything but the spirit of competition. As these become replaced with more useful ways to contribute, many will be preoccupied with cleaning up the messes they have left behind, re-harmonizing the planet’s environment and their own personal lives and health. Many relationships have developed into business relationships. When humans grow from each other, they need to take responsibility for their future happiness. You are allowed to follow those higher emotions that tell you that you can enjoy life more in any way as long as it does not create suffering for others.

There is no script for the transition I am trying to support. There is no knowing exactly how everything will fall into place. It will be something we never have witnessed before and it will happen. It’s a lot closer than you might think.

torsdag 3. mai 2012

Nasjonen Norge – Hvor står vi?

Nasjonen Norge – Hvor står vi?

Rikets krise - Om prioritering av PENGER eller MENNESKELIG VERDIER som grunnlag for personlig og nasjonal moral og etikk

Kampanjen for å verne om grunnloven ved en appell til Kongen har et mangfold av sammensatte årsaker. ”Frihet” og ”menneskelig verdier” er de begrepene som best beskriver essensen av de mange detaljene.

Den 8, og 17, mai er begge viktig merkedager i Norge der ”frihet” er satt i fokus - frigjøring fra Tysk okkupasjon og frigjøring og selvstendiggjøring av Norge. Den Norske Kongen har en selvfølgelig og sentral symbolsk plass ved  disse høytidene. Den Norske Grunnloven er landets overordnet lovverk. Det vil si at alle andre lover er underlagt denne. Kongen er også Grunnlovens høyeste beskytter. Derfor er den Norske Kongen og ikke Statsministeren en ledende person ved disse viktige merkedagene.

Lojaliteten til Grunnloven er et stillingskrav til embetsmenn

Den Norske Regjeringen, Stortingsrepresentanter, Dommerstanden, Politiet og Militæret er til en hver tid forpliktet til å følge Grunnloven. Som folkevalgte tjenestemenn og kvinner skal de tjene det norske folket og ikke sine egne interesser. Den Norske Grunnloven pålegger at stillingen som Embedsmann i Norge krever en eds erklæring til Kongeriket og Grunnloven. Det er for å sikre etisk og moralsk tjeneste til det norske folket og fedrelandet som en helhet.

Status rundt disse forholdene i dag er at disse prinsippene har blitt tilsidesatt, ”glemt” og utvannet der de trenger å være ufravikelig. Dette beskriver et styringssystem som, i sakte kino, har gått fra å være etter Grunnlovsprinsipper - til korporative/økonomiske interesser – særlig etter oljerikdommen kom til landet. Den korporative filosofien er i ferd med å ødelegge livsgrunnlaget for nåtidens, så vel som fremtidens generasjoner.

Dagens virkelighet er at globale, korporative interesser har større makt og innflytelse enn Grunnloven. Situasjonen fører til en progressiv nedbryting av menneskelig verdier og brudd på menneske rettigheter. Det som er bra for ”økonomien” er blitt mer viktig enn hva som er bra for befolkningen. Denne situasjonen er ikke unik for Norge. Den korporative tankegangen har resten av verdens befolkning i sitt faste grep.

I dag kan den jevne norske samfunnsborger si med hånden på hjertet at, ”Ja, Alt handler bare om penger og økonomi”! Hva har skjedd med oss?

Hva er egentlig ”verdifullt” i livet?

Grunnlaget for menneskets oppfatning av hva som er “viktig” i livet har gjennom vår kulturhistoriske fortid alltid vært delt mellom to motpoler som konkurrer om dominans. ”Menneskelige” og ”økonomiske” verdier er en enkel måte å forstå disse motpolene på. Debatten mellom ulike politiske partier og filosofier profilerer seg som forsøk på å finne en form for balanse eller ”rett vei å gå”. Ingen av disse ulike  høyre/venstre retninger eller” ismer” lykkes med å løse denne konflikten.

I dag foreligger det tilstrekkelig med globale erfaringer for si at vi må tenke nytt og stille fundamentale spørsmål for å finne løsninger til et problem som mange i dag betrakter som håpløs. Situasjonen er meget forsterket ved hemmelighold og undertrykkelse av faktiske forhold. Kun når folket har tilgang til informert fri vilje kan de være i stand til å lede seg selv på en vellykket måte.

Hva er Menneskelige verdier? Disse er direkte tilknyttet menneskets følelsesliv. Alle mennesker har et felles sett med emosjonelle ønsker og behov. Intellektet i denne sammenhengen er en verdifull tjener, men en uegnet hersker. Alle mennesker søker etter veien til langsiktig, bærekraftig glede i livets reise. Menneskets største ressurser er sine emosjoner. Gode løsninger får man aldri før en bruker tanker og følelser i lag med hverandre.

Mennesket søker frihet til å leve ut sine medfødte ønsker og behov etter beste evne, helst i samspill med den ”gildene regelen”. Vi lever med et hierarki av eksterne behov – overlevelse, trygghet, sosial tilhørighet og anerkjennelse. Dernest begynner reisen med indre styrte behov assosiert med selvrealisering. Prosessen som kalles selvrealisering fremmes mest når vi lever fra innsiden ut i et understøttende ytre miljø.

Vår søken etter glede og selvrealisering er knyttet til muligheten og retten til å søke disse godene. Disse er tydeliggjort i FNs ”The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. Den første posten i rekken av disse rettighetene tilsier at alle mennesker er født frie og like i verdighet og rettigheter. De er skapt med forstand og samvittighet og bør handle mot hverandre i ånden av broderskap. Den Norske Grunnloven sikrer disse rettighetene direkte, selv om de ikke er spesifiserte i dag.

Hva er ”penger”?  I dag er ”penger” laget av nasjonale og private banker. Når du mottar penger fra banken, mottar du et debet. Med unntak av Muslimske økonomiske systemer, er renter på debet noe som fører til at det alltid er et større og økende krav til banken enn det er penger i samfunnet. I tillegg driver banker i store deler av verden med et ”fiat” penge system – noe som tilsier at banken låner ut mer penger enn det de har av verdier i banken. I dag er normen på generell basis et forhold 1:10.

Situasjonen er skapt for å igangsette og vedlikeholde en konkurranseholdning mellom mennesker når det gjelder penger. I denne konkurransen er mennesker dømt til å være langsiktig gjeldsslaver. Selvrealisering er det få som når, og selv ”eliten” sitter fast i jakten på ekstern status. Det store flertallet må nøye seg med å sikre overlevelse, ekstern trygghet og sosial tilhørighet i livets ”løp”.  

Jo mer vi må konkurrere for penger som en begrenset ”ressurs”, desto mer forsvinner våre felles menneskelige verdier og samhold. Fordi det er en konkurransefordel å begrense fri flyt av informasjon, lider de fleste av underernæring på sannheten, ekte innsikt og kunnskap om sine medfødte potensialer.

Natur og menneskeressurser brukes i dag for å tjene penger istedenfor å hjelpe hverandre oppnå et høyest mulig nivå av personlig og kollektiv prestasjon. Når verdien av penger betyr mer enn mennesket, blir det alltid slik. Det forringer intelligens, vitenskap og den teknologiske utviklingen. Istedenfor sitter vi igjen med et forbruks samfunn som får et stort problem med sitt eget søppel. Det korporative systemet ser ingen problemer med ødeleggelser av naturen, kollektive ressurser eller andres søken etter et meningsfullt liv. Korporative styringssystemer er også assosiert med hemmelighold, kontroll, overvåkning, utallig regler og lover som generer penger for seg selv, for å sikre sin plass øverst på makt pyramiden.

Den korporative modellen strider med Grunnlovens prinsipper. Eksisterende påberopelse av ”elitens” krav på hva som er rett, galt, sant og usant bare er et tankevirus som har til hensikt å bevare deres status på bekostning av folket. Heldigvis eksisterer alternative informasjonskilder som avkler deres autoritære myndighet for det bedrageriet det faktisk er.

Din evne til å ivareta dine egne beste langsiktige menneskelig interesser, står på spill i konkurranse mot dagens form for økonomiske interesser. I dag er dine menneskerettigheter utslettet av nasjonale og multinasjonale regelverk som fremmer økt konkurranse, overvåking og kontroll over ditt liv. Multinasjonale avtaler som forringer nasjonal og personlig suverenitet har for lenge siden gjort sin entré i din og min hverdag. Multinasjonale avtaler styrer bruk av Norges militære ressurser til korporativ overtakelse av andre lands økonomi og naturressurser. Alle disse avtalene er grove brudd på Grunnloven.

Norges befolkning trenger å ta et valg og vise sin støtte til det

Bare Kongen kan gjøre krav på endring av den korporative styringsformen etter Grunnloven. Eventuelle demokratiske endringer i den eksisterende Grunnloven kan bare utarbeides på en intelligent måte av en befolkning som er informert om sannheten rundt sin egen faktisk identitet, evner og potensiale. Det finnes faktisk gode løsninger. Penger er tross alt bare et symbol. Menneskeverdier er derimot reale.

Massemedia er til stor grad under kontroll av korporative styringsformer. Det vil si at den informasjonen du får herfra tjener først og fremst vedlikehold av maktforhold og økonomiske interesser -  ikke dine behov for å være informert om sannheten. Det gjør situasjonen enda mer prekær da en stor andel nordmenn er godt informert når det gjelder reklame, verdiløs underholdning og propaganda mens de er dårlig informert når det gjelder sannheten om seg selv, sitt land og globale forhold.

Kongen må ha ryggdekning fra det norske folket før han kan bruke sin konstitusjonelle rett som Grunnloven tillater, når situasjonen krever det. Grove kriminelle handlinger blir utført i dag mot det norske folket så vel som andre nasjoner i den korporative ”lovens” navn. Skal det hete NORGE AS, eller nasjonen Norge? Dersom du synes at eksisterende forhold ikke er til å leve med, bør du vise din støtte ved å undertegne oppropet og gjøre deg kjent med de faktiske omstendigheter du lever i.

søndag 29. april 2012

The Art and Science of Making Good Decisions

About autonomy, integrity, wisdom, learning, focus, emotional evolution and self-actualization

From the moment you are born and become consciously aware of your surroundings, you are under the influences of two different sources of guidance in your life. The most obvious of these are those external sources that guide or force you from a position of external leadership, experience and “authority”. Less obvious are your own personal feelings, thoughts and inner impulses. Every life experience provides you with the choice of how to respond. As such, your choices in life start to form the path your life takes from the moment you are born and all the way throughout your life.

It is generally assumed that your ability to make good choices is based on rational processes. This is really not true at all. Sigmund Freud discovered this fact a long time ago. The fact of the matter is that all your choices are based on your emotions. Sigmund Freud had a nephew in the United States, Henry Berneys. He was the “propaganda” minister to promote “democracy” in Europe during the First World War.

After reading the research papers from his uncle he systematically used that information to shape human behavior with great success. He was the inventor of the phrase “Public Relations”. His first commercial task from the American Tobacco industry was to increase their sales to include the female population. By manipulating the emotional content of the “news” he was able to get women to break the social taboo of smoking in public by calling cigarettes “Torches of Freedom”.

You might find it useful to spend four hours of your life becoming informed about this little known part of modern history and how it has shaped your personal life and the world you live in today. You can find the film, “Century of the Self” – for viewing on the Internet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhxfArTAcfM

The point of this short diversion is to get you to understand that your decisions are based on your feelings and not your thinking alone. Your emotions are the last part of any person’s unconscious “decision strategy”. Simply stated, you decide between two or more available choices according the feelings you get when you compare each alternative up against the other. You are well served to deal with the fact that your life is led by your emotions. You are much more an “irrational” or emotional being than you have been led to believe.

Are emotions intelligent?

Although the question might seem simple enough, the answer is not. Emotions can be extremely stupid and lead to brutality and violence. They can be extremely intelligent and lead you towards personal genius and excelling achievements. They can also be everything in between. If you want to discover how to distinguish between your emotional intelligence and emotional stupidity you need to better understand your emotional self – which is basically what is known as your “subconscious” mind.

Becoming conscious of your subconscious mind

The problem with the subconscious mind is that you are normally not aware of its existence. This situation is extremely amplified by the fact that we are taught to believe that the subconscious mind and our emotions is a source of danger and should constantly be under rational control. This is why most people run their lives trying to control our selves, others and the environment in order to “feel good”, safe and secure. There is a problem with this philosophy. You can never succeed. It will wear you down and create so many conflicts within your psyche and between yourself and the environment that you are guaranteed to hit a brick wall of defeat sooner or later.

There is only one real solution to this problem and that is to recognize that your rational thinking resources and your emotions were created to work together in harmony. Anything less than harmonious cooperation between thinking and feeling will fragment your ability to successfully navigate in life into lots of different pieces. This is how most people experience life from childhood onward. This is what gets us into trouble in life. It’s the basis for almost all psychological problems.

How to use your limited awareness to better know yourself

Given a well-rested and nourished body free of pollution, every human being is equipped with the same conscious limitations. That means that your awareness is limited at any given moment in scope. This is what you say you are “conscious” of. Beyond those limitations, your subconscious mind has the task of taking care of all the rest of your experiences and managing these in such a way that you still function adequately in your life.

That’s because an important aspect of your subconscious mind is tasked to provide you with automatic functions – just like an autopilot. All your habits – those that are utilitarian, “good” and “bad” are under the power and influence of your unconscious mind. If you think about that for a while, you come to realize that your rational mind often takes credit for an enormous amount of behavior that it has nothing at all to do with itself. You can choose to release this illusion and understand that your unconscious mind is your best friend and ally. When your automatic behavior does not serve you well, its because you have trained your “autopilot” in a useless way. It’s your responsibility and ability to change those “programs” within yourself.

With the proper training, your conscious mind can become aware of almost any aspect of your unconscious mind, simply by focusing your attention in the right direction. Focus is the key resource that is within your power to adjust and direct. It’s within the power of your conscious “free will“ to do so or not. By doing so, you begin to live your life consciously. You become awake to yourself from the inside out.

How to reclaim the power of focus

The rational part of your inner resources is associated with your left-brain hemisphere. Your “irrational” resources are associated with the other half. The quality or ability of your brain to work with both of these resources at the same time has a lot to do with how you are used to using those resources in your daily life. What ever you don’t often use, you will have a tendency to lose. Your brain is like a muscle and it works best when it is adequately stimulated over time. This will create differences between people being able to understand and use the processes I am describing.

Your rational mind likes to do things quickly. The left-hemisphere of your brain has a higher operational frequency than its other half that is slower. They also share an overlapping frequency, called the “alpha state”. You can reach this state simply by closing your eyes and relaxing. It is also very helpful to quiet the mind of “inner dialog” by acquiring a wide-angel focus with your eyes, physically speaking. Both of these strategies used in conjunction with each other will help you become a “whole-brain” person, especially when you want to focus on tuning in to processes that are normally outside your daily conscious awareness. The key is to SLOW DOWN.

The state of mind known as “trance” is really a state where you are able to focus your conscious attention with an increase of several thousand percent. You can do amazing things with your attention in a state of trance. It does not mean that you have to be immobilized physically. It is a state that you can achieve even while doing complicated physical activities. Only the mind needs to be quiet, not the body.

The learning process

It is impossible for any person to exhibit their best performance in any activity if they are “thinking” about what they are doing while they are doing it. “Thinking” in this respect is a necessary activity that you need to do in order to “learn” anything new. When your subconscious mind has been trained to do something automatically, thinking just gets in the way. I’m sure your personal life experience can verify that fact. This is why learning complicated skills are best achieved by mastering one thing at a time. The conscious mind is not equipped to deal with anything more than that. It needs to use all of its ability to focus on whatever is new to it, until the “autopilot” takes over. This is why repetition is the key to the learning process.

Becoming overwhelmed in the learning process is due to not recognizing this simple fact. It’s not because your brain or mind is defect. It’s because your conscious attention in the learning process as severely limited. When you read about skills that are not familiar to you and find them difficult to reproduce, remember that fact.

When you explore your own subconscious mind, especially when you aren’t used to it, you are best able to do that when your mind and your body are quiet and your attention is focused and directed. This is a state often described as “contemplation” or “meditation”. Sitting still, with your eyes shut, can be an activity of intensely extended awareness. You will find that useful when you want to discover how your inner life and emotions really work. It will increase your sensitivity and enable that sensitivity to become an automatic part of your daily, unconscious behavior.

Your fear based emotional center

Each and every person has two separate emotional centers, literally speaking. You can classify any emotion into two different categories. The one that is most easily recognizable are emotions of fear, desperation and isolation. This kind of emotional state is often associated with a distinct and local physical sensation. Fear is a “gut” sensation and the strength of that signal is often so intense that the conscious mind is only aware of the body sensations associated with that emotion.

This simple fact leads the conscious mind to believe that emotions in general are outside of our ability to deal with them, sort through and resolve them. This is why people end up trying to get control of their emotions by numbing or distracting their conscious awareness of them. It’s not a strategy that is very useful in the long run. Your autopilot will continue to produce the signals of fear until you deal with the issues that are normally outside your conscious awareness.

If you sit down, close your eyes and focus your attention on the emotion that is bothering you, you can discover that there are a number of other sensory-based signals, as well as inner dialog that are creating those emotions. If you consciously direct your attention towards those signals you can become aware of them and change them in a rational way. You will find some elements of past experience and even imagined experience that are running the show, in the background of your mind. Each emotion is like a “program” that is composed of a varied number of sensory and verbal (inner dialog) signals. It’s up to your free will to decide whether those signals are useful to you or not. You will discover that fear is a very life-limiting and therefore less than intelligent part of your emotional life.

The emotions we have that provide us with fear and limitations have everything to do with another part of our subconscious mind. I call this part our “mental map” of reality. It provides you with an automatic way to navigate through your life. This map may or may not be a very accurate way to relate to reality. The scope of this map and its accuracy in relation to reality will describe the scope of your “consciousness” or awareness.

Film producer, David Lynch, puts it this way: “If you have a golf ball size conscious awareness and you read a book, you will have a golf ball sized understanding of that book”. Your ability to expand and refine your awareness of the world you live in also extends to your “inner life”. This is what makes people unique to one another. Not only do we have a unique set of life experiences, we also have a unique scope of conscious awareness about those experiences. This is why a personal “truths” are also unique and different than “universal” truths. When we do not realize that fact we start arguing about those differences. It is simply not possible for an individual with a “global” awareness to discuss issues with a person with an individual with a, “golf ball” sized awareness. If the difference between awareness is too big, there is no ability to create a mental bridge between present knowledge and awareness out towards an extended knowledge or awareness. That is why people sometimes treat each other as crazy when they are really a lot more aware or “knowing” than another.  

Obviously, the scope of knowledge and awareness one has, the higher quality of map one will have. That has a lot to do with the choices each person makes and the results those choices have on our lives. This has a lot to do with our relationship to lower, fear based emotions. The “unknown” tends to create fear, especially when self-awareness is limited, under developed or repressed.

One of the biggest issues that are normally “unknown” concerning self-awareness is our relationship to death and dying. Most people are convinced that it is simply not possible to know about such a thing. From my personal perspective this question, if left unanswered, is the greatest source of our negative fear-based emotions and it limits our ability to transcend these emotions and reach into a higher aspect of feelings that many people know little or nothing about.

This issue alone has enormous consequences relative to a personal level of awareness of self and the content and scope of ones inner mental-emotional “map” of reality. It has a everything to do about what, why and how we make the decisions we make in our lives.

If you dare to take the time and effort to find out more about death, you will also discover a lot about life. If you prefer to replace your beliefs with informed knowledge, you will find that some time and effort in the aspects of the “near-death experience” will be well worth the effort. The following link might be a good place to start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1vWoUoiaP4

If and when you get past the illusions of death being the “end of all experience”, you will also discover that life is the “beginning” of a unique set of experiences. You will discover that life is not random at all and that it ha meaning that can only be discovered from the inside out. It replaces the need to believe in outside authority as a source of guidance in your life. It creates room to expand your emotional awareness from that of fear and lack of real intelligence, to that of freedom and abundance of intelligence.

Your higher, intelligent emotions

Your higher emotional center is physically located in your heart. Emotions that evolve and are transmitted to your conscious awareness from this center involve positive expressions of self-actualization and the personal freedom to do so. These emotions can generally not be pinpointed to one specific area because they are more like “whole-body” sensations. Just like the lower emotional expressions they are also composed of inner sensory information as visions with or without sound, inner impulses to explore, discover and recover that which is not known.

The higher emotions are related to “connectedness”, meaning and insight beyond cognition. You will “know” without knowing how or why that you know. They are the source of your intuitions. Because these emotions relate to connectedness, they also involve the emotions of empathy. They are naturally most present in the absence of fear. They provide you with a purpose or “mission” in life and give you a direction of enfoldment and expression through passion.

This level of emotional intelligence provides you with a compass and radar for extended navigation in your life. They are the fundament for your integrity because they inform you directly of the difference between what is right and wrong. They provide you with a sense of morals beyond the rules and regulations of society. You will discern the difference between being “legally” right and “lawfully” wrong.

Human evolution beyond the physical

Whether or not it is understood that life transcends beyond the realm of a single physical lifetime is a matter of conscious awareness. For many it is simply not believable and therefor a fantasy. Within the framework of understanding identity as created only by the biological functions of the brain it is difficult to comprehend altruism as a rational choice, especially in otherwise challenging situations. Therefore it is more “rational” to choose to act in such a way to preserve a competitive advantage in the “game” of life.

When the individual has reached a point in his or her evolutionary process where physicality is only a temporary expression of a greater existence, it becomes natural to search and find leadership from the inside out. At this level of awareness the individual regards experts and authority in a more relative manner. This is because of an inner awareness that responsibility for all choices resides within the authority of self and not others. From the perspective of individuals not having this awareness one may easily be responded to as being disrespectful, non-conforming, not “normal” and even delusional.

At the same time, those individuals that manage to break through the constraints of limited awareness serve as definite role models for others to follow - the idea being that, “If they can do it, so can I”.

To quote Einstein, We should take care not to make intellect our god. It has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. It cannot lead. It can only serve”.

And: “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why.”

The discovery of your resources past those called “rational” is something that involves an ongoing process of continual personal evolution. Only through this process can an individual discover and refine those God-given tools that we are provided with to navigate in our lives and create meaning for self and others. It is a never-ending process. It involves giving up competition with self and others because the only “game” where everybody wins is the game of cooperation, whether it be within self or within the society in which one lives. In the game of self-actualization, getting rid of inner competition is the only way to start. In this way we give up control and the need to monitor ourselves. We create a flow of energy that is in tune with a

fredag 27. april 2012

Integritet og menneskets moralsk kompass

Om å navigere i livet uten å gå på grunn
Alle mennesker har et indre moralsk kompass. Det vil si at alle mennesker kjenner forskjellen mellom rett og galt. Det ble også uttrykket klart og tydelig på den populære filmen K-Pax – om en høyere bevisst besøkende til Jorden som skulle foreta seg observasjoner på samfunnssituasjonen på vår planet. Akkurat denne filmen er et godt eksempel av dypere innsikter formidlet gjennom underholdning og er temaet for dette innlegget.

Livet består av å handle i et terreng som er uoversiktlig og full av usikre momenter. Det er fordi livets høyere mening er å lære gjennom prøving og feiling. Mange forestiller seg at tilfeldigheter gjør det slik og tolker situasjonen ditt hen at ”universet” eller virkelighetsopplevelsen er slik fordi vi lever i et mekanisk univers som er fullstendig uforutsigbar. Jeg håper at dette innlegget viser at det faktisk ikke er tilfeldig. Det er en usynlig dimensjon til livet. Jeg velger å kalle denne dimensjonen for den ”åndelig” dimensjonen. Du er knyttet direkte til denne gjennom ditt indre liv – dine tanker og følelser.

Disse kan forståes som løsrevet fra mening og visdom eller knyttet direkte til denne. Det er en veldig stor forskjell mellom den ene og andre måte å leve livet på. En virksom metafor er å si at det første nivået av livet i oppfatningen av ”tilfeldigheter” er livet i en tilstand som en ”larve” mens det andre nivået er å leve livet i en tilstand som ”sommerfugl”. Mengden av livserfaring over mye lengre tid enn de fleste er klar over utgjør denne forskjellen og tiden i dag mener jeg er en form for terskel. Alle utsettes for en ”stresstest” og resultatet av denne prøven markerer overgangen mellom disse to ulike fasene av menneskets skjult, men ikke hemmeligholdt tilværelse.

Om du tror på dette eller ikke blir ditt eget ansvar og forholdet til din oppfatning til ditt ansvar er et viktig moment i mekanismen som omsettes til begrepet ”menneskets utvidet evolusjonsprosess”. Det er nemlig slik at forholdet mellom ansvar og myndighet er veldig ryddig i universets større spilleregler til tross for at forholdet virker veldig rotete i det fysiske livet på det nivået som vi lever her og nå. Metaforen bruker vi også i livet i sunn barneoppdragelse. Barnets aksjonsradius og myndighet endrer seg fortløpende og i forhold til hvor videt barnets modningsgrad og evne til å ta ansvar for sine handlinger står i forhold til den friheten som barnets foreldre til en hver tid tillater barnet å ha.

Vellykket navigering i livet kan sies å bestå av å sitte inne med et tilstrekkelig kart, et kompass som en kan stole på og gjerne en radar som forteller om terrengets kvaliteter forbi det vi kan oppfatte med våre vanlig sanser. Kartet til mennesket finnes på innsiden av vår psyke – det ubevisste sinnet. Det består av en subjektiv oppfatning av ens mening med tilværelsen, identitet, verdier/moral, evner/muligheter og strategier som ligger til grunn for våre handlinger. Kompasset er menneskets indre oppfatning av forskjellen mellom ”rett” og ”galt”. Radaren er menneskets intuisjoner – den indre veiledningen som kommer til uttrykk gjennom drømmer og impulser.

I dette innlegget vil jeg sette fokus på selve kompasset – den lettest av alle navigeringsredskaper en kan forstå seg på.

Menneskets indre kompass er knyttet til våre emosjoner eller ”følelser”. Rasjonelle tanker som tilsidesetter emosjoner fordi handlinger er tenkt på som ”lovlig” duger lite som et moralsk kompass. Det er nemlig stor forskjell mellom de mangfoldig ”spillereglene” i livet og forholdet mellom rett og galt. Uhyggelig mye ondskap bedrives i denne verden gjennom lovlig krumspring utarbeidet av ”smarte” advokater som utarbeider disse ”lovene”. Universets system er mye mer enkle å forstå seg på. Handlinger som direkte eller indirekte volder smerte til andre levende vesener – mennesker eller dyr – for å oppnå fordeler på andres bekostning er noe alle som har kontakt med sine emosjoner kjennes godt på kroppen. De er alltid tilstede selv om vi evner å slå disse av. Når tankene overstyrer emosjoner begynner kompasset å peke i feil retningen.

En slik strategi fører fort til at menneskets handlinger mister sin integritet.

Hva som skjer når integriteten kastes på offerbålet for å oppnå ”fordeler” i livet

Jeg beskriver ”integritet” som en praksis der menneskets moralsk kompass danner grunnlaget for menneskets handlinger. Familie terapeuten, Virginia Satir satte fokus på emosjonell ærlighet som en forutsetning for psykologisk styrke i livet. Hun kaller tilstedeværelsen av emosjonell ærlighet som kongruens. Hun utarbeidet fem livsregler eller ”friheter” som er gitt oss alle fra ”innsiden” og ut. Bruk av disse frihetene sikrer kongruens i livet. Mine erfaringer som terapeut og veileder får meg til å påstå at kongruens er en av de mest viktig av alle de ”leksene” som mennesket strever med å mestre i løpet av sine mange liv.

Kongruens er nokså lett å vedlikeholde når man først har den. Den er en svært vanskelig tilstand å oppnå når mennesket har mistet den. Det krever indre mot å ta et oppgjør med sin egen mangel på kongruens. Mange opplever situasjonen som en dyptgripende livskrise. Årsaken til en slik krise og dens forløsning vil jeg skrive noen ord om. Jeg har grunn til å påstå at det berører mange mennesker svært direkte i den tiden vi nå lever i.

Når mennesket møter utfordringer som en ikke mestrer i forhold til å ha gjort noe moralsk ”galt” er det fort gjort å dekke over det umiddelbar indre signalet som varsler om at en har gjort noe ”feil”. Det krever et oppgjør med ens egen utilstrekkelighet og feilbarlighet. Menneskets ”ego” får seg en ripe i lakken. Derfor er det fort gjort å dekke over sine følelser og handle videre som om ingenting har skjedd.

Da begynner livsløgnen. Før eller senere vil en livsløgn bli utfordret og da presenteres en med det moralske spørsmålet om en skal innrømme sin ”feil” eller dekke over denne ved å lage en enda større livsløgn. Da begynner universets ”tilfeldigheter” å spille inn slik at navigering i livet blir mer og mer utsatt for ”ulykker” som skaper en stadig større grad av smerte for andre. Det vil si at en har takket ”Ja” til en kaskade av hendelser som er stadig mer smertefull å få orden på da konsekvensene blir også fortløpende mer alvorlig.

Det tar ikke lang tid før denne måten å leve på blir en ”livsstil”. Samvittigheten, noe sier at ”hjertet” hardner til. Om prosessen tillates å fortsette kommer hele livets gang helt ute av kurs og enda verre, tilgang til livets ”radar” blir fullstendig borte for en.

På denne måten kan veien til det ”gode livet” fort vendes til veien til helvete på denne Jord for selv og andre. Forskjellen mellom den ene veien og den andre utgjør forskjellen mellom godhet og ondskap – livets dualistiske prinsipper som kommer til uttrykk i så å si alle menneskets episke historier.

Oppgjørets time

Mine personlig perspektiver leder meg til å påstå at det er oppgjørets time for menneskehetens valg om å velge kongruens eller la være. Det er fordi livets skole i en utvidet forstand er i ferd med å dra mot en av sine mange avgjørende eksamenstider. Alle mennesker har et indre ansvar for å ta stilling til sitt eget personlig forhold til spørsmålet om de er moden til å tillates et større ansvar og myndighet i sin utvidet tilværelse. Evolusjonen har også et åndsperspektiv og denne skolen som vi kaller det fysiske livet med begrenset bevissthet har til hensikt å utvikle en forståelse for ens personlig ansvar for å kunne vite og handle etter sitt eget indre moralsk kompass.

I dag er samfunnets utvikling sterk polarisert. Det vil si at det er mye ”mørke” og det er også mye ”lys” å observere rundt deg overalt. De fleste merker med særlig ”mørkets” tilstedeværelse i alle lag av samfunnets strukturer, særlig i forhold til økonomi og politikken. Det som går mange hus forbi er at spørsmålet om ens egen personlig kongruens i forhold til sitt eget liv også blir utsatt for stadig prøver. Disse er, for mange individer, et spørsmål om hvordan en skal forholde seg til og respondere i forhold til sitt eget arbeid så vel som sitt eget privatliv.

Mange individer har arbeid og private forhold i sitt liv som er helt eller delvis en livsløgn. Dersom du har det slik er din utfordring sikkert noe som har store konsekvenser. Det vil si at prisen du har å betale for å bli kongruent kan virke uoverkommelig kostbar. Jeg nevner noen slike forhold som er svært typiske for at situasjonen gjøres tydelig for deg.

·      Du lever i et forhold basert på bekvemmeligheter og livsløgn og velger å fortsette fordi det er så vanskelig å være emosjonelt ærlig med din partner.
·      Du arbeider i helsesektoren og ”forpliktelser” krever av deg å utføre handlinger som skaper smerte eller sykdom på andre, enda du er klar over det. Du lær være å slutte med slike handlinger fordi du oppfatter at du trenger pengene for å fortsette med dine mål i livet.
·      Du arbeider innen stats- eller kommuneforvaltning, omsorg, politikk, rettsvesenet, militæret eller politi og dine forpliktelser i ditt arbeid krever at du handler mot din egen moralsk kompass. Du fortsetter fordi du trenger pengene for å fortsette med dine mål og ambisjoner i livet.
·      Du arbeider innen bankvesenet og det kreves at du stadig tar beslutninger som du vet er ”feil” og skaper smerte for andre på kort eller langsikt, men du fortsetter fordi du ikke tør å miste jobben din.
·      Du arbeider som lærer og du vet at det kreves av deg å undervise løgn eller halvsannheter og gjøre det på en måte som ikke ivareta elevenes beste langsiktig interesser, men fortsetter fordi du må jo tjene penger.
·      Du arbeider som leder eller ansatt i en bedrift som leverer varer eller tjenester som er juks og bedrag uten å si i fra fordi du må jo tjene penger for å leve.

Herfra kan du sikkert generalisere og oppdage hvordan du som individ er utsatt for spørsmålet om din egen moralsk kompass. Det er lettere å bedømme andres ansvar og handlinger mens det er så vanskelig å ta stilling til sitt eget personlig liv.

De fleste lever i den troen om at situasjonen er ”tilfeldig” og at det er bare slik som livet er. Det er lite eller ingenting du kan gjøre med det – så du fortsetter som om det ikke betyr så veldig mye. Det blir veldig feil for deg å fortsette med denne troen. Din tolkning av livets tilfeldigheter blir ditt ansvar å ta stilling til.

Ingenting av det jeg har nevner er noe grepet ut av luften og alle disse faktorene er noe du kan bekrefte i deg selv når du tar den tiden som trenges for å kjenne etter og tenke dine egne tanker. Ditt indre liv er ditt ”åndsliv” og den fortsetter også forbi døden og inn i evigheten.

De midlertidig ulempene det koster deg i forhold til personlig økonomi, arbeid, komfort og livsmål er en rimelig billig pris å betale for å komme tilbake til ditt eget ”senter” og leve etter ditt eget innebygget kompass. Det er slik at du vokser som menneske og gjør deg verdi til å fortsette i ditt liv i en ”skole” eller tilværelse som er langt mer harmonisk enn den du i dag kanskje tenker er ”ALT” som måtte være.

Det er ikke uten grunn at esoteriske kilder påstår at, ”Det fysiske livet på vårt nåværende nivå er som å bli hamret til en form hos en smed”! Livets evolusjon i et utvidet forstand er ikke ferdig med dette men fortsetter gjennom en slipe prosess og en poleringsprosess slik at du til slutt blir et ”speil” for andre som kommer bak og det er ikke slutt med det heller. Om du er lei av å bli hamret på og ønsker et nivå av tilværelse som er mer harmonisk, mindre utfordrende enn som så har du et enkelt valg å foreta deg. Prisen for å la være er en fortsettelse på det samme nivået av livets skole i mange tusen år, i et nytt semester og det verste med det hele er at alle dine minner om fortidens prøving og feiling vil ligge godt begravd i ditt ubevisste sinn. Du vil leve i forvirring helt til du lykkes med å bli ”klar” over hva det er du egentlig lever for. Det handler absolutt ikke om penger. Det handler om å vite forskjellen mellom rett og galt og det handler om å vite hvem du egentlig er som menneske.